Will Post Lockdown Anxiety be a thing ?

My anxiety has been affecting me this past week or so and i initially struggled to understand why it wasn't going away. And then i realised. I am very nervous about coming out of lockdown. Here in the UK the lockdown is gradually easing. Schools are back, upto 6 people can meet up and from … Continue reading Will Post Lockdown Anxiety be a thing ?

Hello darkness…my old friend…

A beautiful statue in Birkenhead dedicated to the First World War poet Wilfred Owen who went to school here. Anyone who knows me or follows this blog knows i suffer from anxiety. Health anxiety in particular. I get an ache, pain or twinge and my mind convinces me its a heart problem. I see an … Continue reading Hello darkness…my old friend…

Whatever happened to the future ?…

I write this in a melancholic mood. I'm 58, it is a cold dark miserable February day, i am mourning the death of friends and we are in the second calendar year of a global pandemic. I haven't held my daughter for almost 5 months, my childhood heroes are charging into their graves like first … Continue reading Whatever happened to the future ?…

Life from inside Tier 3 Lockdown.

Here in England we have 3 levels of lockdown. Three being the highest. Living in Merseyside i am in tier 3 and have been for the past two weeks. So what is life like under these restrictions ? How are we coping ? And how different is it to lockdown 1 ? As far as … Continue reading Life from inside Tier 3 Lockdown.