switching off my mind

I sail model boats with my friends a few times every week at our local lake. We sail all year round. Its an amazing form of therapy, especially when you get mornings like today when the water is glass like.

The sight of a boat gently sailing on the water, while your fingers sub-consciously control the movements of the vessel is hard to beat. Add in a cool, fresh winter’s breeze refreshing you lungs with the opportunity to empty your mind of all the world’s problems and you have something very special indeed.

Come sun rain, ice and hail i’ve taken this little boat out for a sail all winter. She has paid me back a milion times. Not only has my mental health improved hugely but so too has my ability to ward off the worst that winter can throw at me. I owe my little boat a huge debt. Without her i would have spent most of the winter days indoors, feeling ill, bored and desperate. Instead i’m out every day, getting exercise, fresh air and clearing my head of all the rubbish the world puts in.

As they say in Wales, “there is no such thing as bad weather, just poor choice of clothing.”

2 thoughts on “switching off my mind

  1. Building models and sailing of flying them afterwards is a great hobby. I have build a glider when I was younger. At that time there radio controle was to expensive for me, I had to launch it with a long elastic cable. 🙂

    Have a nice weekend and have many safe sailings Ian.

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